Woodland Park Zoo is proud to host its first Climate Action for All, an event designed by the ZooCorps Climate Action Team. This fun and informative event will help teach guests how they can realistically combat climate change and reduce impacts on wildlife.
Climate Action for All will be held during the new Evening Zoo where guests can experience Woodland Park Zoo after hours, including special ambassador animal presentations and animal keeper talks.
To promote the use of alternative transportation and reduction of carbon emissions, guests who ride the bus or bicycle to the zoo receive a $2 discount off zoo admission with proof of ridership.
Several local organizations, including Washington Environmental Council and Conservation Northwest, will participate in Climate Action for All. Guests will be invited to pick up reusable or electronic passports equipped with pictures and icons, as well as translations in English, Mandarin and Spanish, directing guests to visit stations located throughout the zoo. The various stations will teach guests how to positively effect change in inexpensive and family-friendly ways, including reducing dependency on plastics and promoting local and national environmental advocacy. Those who visit all the stations and complete their passport receive an environmentally friendly treat or prize. The stations will also include activities for a wide variety of ages and abilities, including a social media station and whiteboards to encourage conversations through art and different languages.
The youth-led Climate Action Team consists of a small group of high school students who volunteer for Woodland Park Zoo’s ZooCorps teen program. In creating this event, the Climate Action Team hopes to model sustainable practices that lead to more environmental and empowered communities.