Say HELLO to pollinators and join the movement to save these tiny and important animals.
Here in Washington state, we pride ourselves in being connected to nature even in the tiniest details. Woodland Park Zoo has been on a pollinator journey of our own, but we’re not alone in the growing interest to protect pollinators across the Northwest.
Join other gardeners like you who are pledging to adopt more pollinator-friendly pesticide alternatives and receive gardening tips!
Already pledged and just want the latest buzz?Use #HelloPollinators on social media to connect and share with others!
Learn how soaps and oils can be used in place of toxic pesticides. Download our pollinator-friendly shopping list. (Hint: Look for the OMRI label on products.)
Learn which plant varieties are best suited for your garden. With minimal work, you can grow healthier, low-pest plants. Remember, native plants will always perform best in your garden.
Learn smart gardening practices that keep plants healthy and able to resist and recover from pest damage. With the right planning, you can control pests naturally and protect your family and pets.
Want to learn even more about what people just like you have been doing to protect pollinators across the state? Visit Woodland Park Zoo’s Living Northwest Campaign and find out!
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